Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grazalema exhibition 2010

During 2010 I was painting some of my best pictures.

I painted two aircraft for the Buntisford restoration group, who were restoring two English Electric lightnings. The paintings showed one of their Lightnings intercepting a TU95 electronic surveillance aircraft known to NATO as Bears. The lightning was a very unusual aeroplane of enormous power.
Designed in 1962 it was able to do things then that modern day designs are only just now capable of. In 1984 a 22 year old lightning intercepted a U2 spy plane at 88,000ft. The pilot of the U2 later reported that he was very surprised that the attack came from above him. Later the same RAF pilot
flying a Lightning in a NATO exercise along with F15, F14, F16, F104 and Mirage aircraft were challenged with a stern intercept on a loaned Concorde flying supersonic. Only the Lightning caught up with it.

 The horse I called full of fun, but it recieved a lukewarm reception.

                                As well as my dappled stallion.


 I painted my meadow after gathering together all my photographs of the plants I had seen over the years.

Finally I painted Grazalema dawn. This was my favorite place near to Olvera. I would walk in this valley in the autumn Sunday mornings.
Not a kilometer from this scene is the little rural school for the valley.
I bet they don’t have more than twenty pupils. It was always the silence that amazed me when I walked here, with only the buzzing of the insects as they passed. The air was always crystal clear and cool in the mountains.
In 2010 the founding artists of artistandalucia arranged an exhibition in Grazelema. Our host was Clive at the tourist information office in Grazalema. Grazalema is a pueblo with quite a big tourist influx each week, with coach trips from the coast and surrounding areas. It is quite a good venue to sell pictures.

At the very beginning of artistandalucia we were a group of painters of very different styles and backgrounds. We intended to exhibit as often as we could, sometimes individually, sometimes as a group. Often the places we exhibited were too large for one artist and so we put our best paintings in as a group.
We had been running a twice a month mercadillo in Ronda, a very busy tourist town. We were all good friends then and it was fun to meet and talk. We would often paint under the trees at the Alameda, or just sit with our paintings on show hoping for a sale. It was a day out with friends.

One of our first members suggested Grazalema Tourist office as a venue for an exhibition and when we contacted him Clive was all for it. We arranged the exhibition for September and all started preparing for it.
On the day I was ferrying people up to Grazalema and decided to call in at the paper kiosk in Olvera after a tip off from Clive. Clive had a contact with the Diario de Cadiz and they had given us a full page spread. They had requested several photos of the paintings of the members to use as a leader.
They printed my painting of Grazalema dawn as a sample of artistandalucia on the culture page and given us a write up about the exhibition which was inspiring.

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